Art Card Project

Children’s Art Card Initiative Project

The Children’s Art Card Initiative was launched in 2005 when efforts to exhibit children’s artwork were facing increasing challenges of space and funding. The solution we reached was to have the children’s work printed on cards as a way to exhibit and recognize the outstanding artwork and commitment from the many young artists in our programs.We have made our selections from over 800 pieces of art completed in the various visual art programs that are a part of the Arts Studio for Kids Project. The pieces are all chosen based solely on the merit of each individual work and are selected on a consensus basis by a professional artist, a graphic artist, and an art teacher, along with a team of organizations that are involved in this project. Local businesses have supported the Children’s Art Card Initiative by displaying the cards for sale year round. The net proceeds from the purchase of each and every card go towards the support of a chosen local community non-­profit organization. We are pleased with the success of the Children’s Art Card Initiative. If you would would like to support us and interested by purchasing our cards please email to: